This step past pace tutorial explains how to draw and shade a rose and providers detailed pencil drawing examples for each pace. It tin can be very helpful for anyone looking to learn how to describe a realistic looking rose.

Rose drawing step by step
Rose pace past step drawing

The tutorial can be carve up into iii major parts which are the shape sketch, the outline drawing and the shading. As roses are fairly hard to describe, if y'all find yourself struggling with the get-go two parts yous may desire to but practice drawing those before moving on to the shading.

Step one – Sketch the Overall Shape & Size of the Rose

Rose outer shape sketch
Rose outer shape sketch

Start drawing the rose by outset sketching its overall shape sizing it to your cartoon area. The outer shape sketch does non need to be the exact outline trace of the rose (that volition be done in after steps) instead you want to constitute a sort of construction frame that the rose volition fit into and that you will then use to draw the more detailed shape.

This step is very of import so do your all-time to become it right. Make sure the shape is non overly long, tall, or too skewed in whatever direction in comparison to the rose you are drawing. If you make a mistake at this phase the rest of your drawing will be off.

For more adept cartoon practices come across:

Beginner Guide to Learning to Draw

Step two – Sketch the Inner Shape of the Rose

Rose inner shape sketch
Rose inner shape sketch

This stage of the drawing can be a piddling chip tricky as it may be hard to selection the exact petals that yous desire this inner shape to consist of. Attempt and option the best defined shape you can. The goal is to establish some structure of the inner part of the rose then that when you draw the private petals later information technology will be easier to correctly proportion them in relation to one another.

Without this step if you move on to drawing the petals individually you may find some of them to bee besides big or too pocket-size.

Step three – Sketch the Shape of the Core of the Rose

Rose shape sketch
Rose basic full shape sketch

This pace is similar to the previous footstep. You desire to establish the position of the core/center of the rose.

After you terminate this pace yous should have a rough guide/construction lines for the outer, middle and inner shape making information technology easier to correctly place all of the petals.

Step 4 – Draw the Outer Petals

Rose outer petals drawing
Rose outer petals drawing

Describe the first set of petals between the outer and inner guide lines draw in pace i and step 2.

Pace 5 – Draw the Inner Petals

Rose inner petals drawing
Rose inner petals cartoon

Draw the second tier of petals between the inner part and the core of the rose.

Step 6 – Draw the Cadre Petals

Rose core shape drawing
Rose cadre shape drawing

Draw the cadre shape of the rose and move to drawing the petals inside of information technology.

Step seven – Outline Cartoon of the Rose

Rose outline drawing
Rose outline cartoon

Draw the very inner petals of the rose and clean up all of the guide lines. Tweak any of the smaller details if needed. When yous are washed yous should have an outline drawing of the entire rose.

Step 8 – Basic Shading

Rose drawing basic shading
Rose bones shading

Start applying low-cal shading to the outline drawing of the rose by offset shading the darkest areas. Nigh of these volition be the parts between the petals likewise as the shadows cast by the petals on i some other.

You want to apply the shading slowly in several layers and so that you don't accidentally make it likewise dark and and then that you can be sure that the different parts of the rose take the right intensity of shading in relation to one some other. Y'all should likewise try and utilise the strokes in a way that reinforces the shape of the petals. For example for the more than outer petals you can make the strokes in the direction abroad from the core of the rose.

Too note that the shadows will depend on the light source and will be directly opposite of it. In this case the main light source is located effectually the top part of the cartoon so the shadows will exist cast downwards. Likewise go on in mind that the shadows will exist similar to the shape of the petals that are casting them.

For examples of different types of shading strokes come across:

Shading Techniques and Stroke Types Drawing Tutorial

Step nine – Boosted Shading

Rose drawing refined shading
Rose refined shading

Keep applying shading to your cartoon past adding additional overlapping sets of strokes and darkening the shaded areas of the rose.

Footstep 10 – Finalized Drawing

Rose pencil shaded drawing
Rose finished drawing

Finalize the drawing by calculation in all remaining drop shadows and darkening the shaded areas even more. Yous will also want to smoothen out some of the transitions betwixt the light and dark areas past slightly blending the strokes. But don't blend them to the point of invisible as they also help to define the rose's shape.


Cartoon a rose can be very complicated due to its irregular shape just it can be very helpful to approach the cartoon process in the right way. Always try and showtime your drawing with a rough overall shape sketch of the object and work your fashion downwardly to the details. If your drawings don't come out at start keep practicing and you should amend.

If you want to practice drawing something a little easier you may like:

How to Draw a Maple Leafage in 3 Steps

For other tutorials that involve pencil shading see:

  • How to Draw Cloth Folds Step by Stride Tutorial
  • How to Draw Cherries Step by Step
  • How to Describe Nuts Step by Step